How to Secure VOD Streaming Content from Pirates?

VOD Streaming Content from Pirates

Video streaming is the continuous transfer of video files coming from a server to a client. Users can watch videos online without downloading them due to the VOD platform. Movies, TV series, YouTube videos, and live streaming are examples of streamed video content.

The media is played as it comes in and is sent in a constant stream of data. To send video data to a display and audio data to speakers, the user needs Media players, such as QuickTime Player for MacOS and Windows Media Player 12 for Windows 10.

However, piracy occurs wherever there is video streaming. When pirates began stealing video content from VOD streaming platforms over a decade ago, the entry barriers were high. They required a high degree of technological expertise and the resources for expensive, advanced labs to illegally restream high-value content. 

How It Is Important  To Secure Video Content Online? 

Businesses have been looking for ways to protect their data from being disclosed without authorization as the number of data breaches has increased. Unauthorized access to a training video can result in serious harm to the company’s operations. 

This is due to the fact that many of the videos it produces may contain sensitive data. In fact, not every video your company produces is intended for everyone. If your company uses a VOD platform for communication, you should take security measures to make sure the videos don’t leak and end up online.

You can restrict access to individuals you designate and keep the videos private during the secure VOD streaming solution. It is best for your business to obtain these resources if multiple video content is available. It is also possible for users to store accessible data by utilizing secure video sharing. Taking complete control of all your videos can also save you a ton of time.

5 Secure Video Streaming Tactics For Your Business

Piracy can be greatly controlled and mitigated by implementing some of the best practices and informing viewers about the consequences. To prevent piracy, however, strict rules governing the use and accessibility of digital content must be set in place. 

Let’s examine more closely how to effectively prevent piracy and attain a high degree of VOD software security.

1. AES Encryption

One of the most effective tools for protecting your online videos and keeping hackers out of your portal is video encryption. The encryption key prevents unauthorized users from viewing your content. HLS encryption with AES 128 and AES 128 encryption are two popular encryptions used by many platforms. You can use encryption in combination with other security methods for effective results.

2. SSL / TLS Encrypted Paywall

SSL and TLS are a type of encryption protocols that help transmit data securely from the client to the host and vice versa. Whether it’s your bank details or miscellaneous information, these protocols encrypt all forms of data. Generally, they protect all communications sent through the internet. An SSL/TLS “handshake” between client computers and servers is used to accomplish this. 

3. Geographic (IP) Restrictions

Geographic restrictions help to reduce piracy. Different regions of the world’s IP addresses can be divided into blacklisted and whitelisted categories. This helps in preventing visitors from a blacklisted IP address from viewing your content. 

It also makes it simple for you to block visitors from a certain nation, such as competitors and pirates. One of the most practical methods available to stop movie piracy is IP restriction. It limits users from entering a specific country and accessing the country-specific content.

4. Multi-DRM Platform

Digital Rights Management (DRM) offers a strong method of safeguarding your video content on online platforms and inhibits piracy. Although video encryption technology is an effective tool, it has certain limitations as well. 

These include the exposure of the encryption keys due to open key exchange. The DRM system steps in to save the day at this point. It functions in tandem with well-known encryption protocols like HLS, DASH, RTMP, etc., to remove the possibility of locating the encryption keys.

It also restricts downloading content without authorization. Few well-known examples of this technology are Google’s Widevine DRM and Apple’s Fairplay DRM.

5. Produce Content Under Your Brand Name via Watermarking 

One of the most effective ways to protect VOD content from pirates is by using watermarking.  Broadcasters and content producers utilize forensic watermarking to add distinct serial numbers to their content. These remain visible even after the video has been downscaled, resized, and transcoded. It works well to keep movie releases safe from pirates. Watermarking also helps track the source of the leak and helps take the appropriate legal action against the party responsible.


Unauthorized access and distribution of content is a major concern in today’s digital era. For broadcasters and video content creators who rely on these revenue, the issue compounds even more, as it reduces their overall profits. However, by understanding how to safeguard your content and streaming platform, you can combat this serious problem. You will need to implement strategic measures to eliminate the threat, as discussed in the article.

Credential sharing, simulcasting, as well as content downloading are a few of the most prevalent types of piracy here. Selecting the right VOD platform for secure hosting is essential if you want to restrict the content pirating on your website. You can deter pirates by utilizing efficient anti-piracy technologies and keeping your infrastructure secure. 

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