4 Easy Tips To Help You Conserve Water

conserve water

We all know that water is one of the crucial natural resources that sustains life. Our earth is made up of 71% of water. Yet water is scarce in many parts of the world because only a little percentage of that 71% is fresh water which we humans can use for everyday activities. 

Here Are a Few Uses Of FreshWater

  • For drinking purpose 
  • For cleaning and flushing purpose
  • For cooking purpose
  • For irrigation purpose
  • For washing purpose

There are many more uses of freshwater that can help the body flush out toxins and maintain body temperature. However, one should always remember that water is a limited resource. While you may have easy access to water all the time, there are several people in the world who suffer due to the water crisis. Therefore, small changes in your life can help save the planet. 

How Can You Help Mother Earth?

Here are a few tips for you to help Mother Earth with the water crisis. 

Evaluate Water Usage

Before you take any measures, you should find out how much water you consume on a daily or monthly basis. Water bills can help you do this. If the water usage is consistent and seems reasonable, you can take added measures to conserve water. If the usage seems too high, you need to assess where to cut down on water expenses. Turning off taps while brushing your teeth, and adjusting the washing machine and dishwasher settings can also help. Taking shorter showers might help save some water too. Therefore, limit your daily showers to a maximum of ten minutes. Do not let the water run while lathering your head or body. You can also install multifunctionality, water-saving shower heads to keep a check on the water flow.

In fact, you can collect any excess water from these places and use the same for watering plants and trees. 

Schedule Regular Plumbing Checks

If you keep getting high water bills in spite of taking water conservation steps, a leakage might be the reason. If a dripping tap does not bother you, you should try to collect that water overnight. Leaking taps and toilets can waste as much as 60K liters of water every year. That said, some leaks are external, while others are hidden from sight. Therefore, a regular plumping check can help you assess any leakages.

Be Smart With Water

The next step to conserve water is to use it sensibly. Often when people wash raw vegetables, they do so under running water. You can fill a bowl with water and use it to rinse off the veggies. A lot of water also goes to waste during car wash. To avoid it, you can first clean the dust from the car using a damp cloth. Then, try to get the job done in a few buckets of water. If using a water hose, make sure you use a good quality garden pipe that does not corrode and leak. You can also wash your car in the garden or backyard so that the grass and the ground absorb the water. 

Drop a plastic bottle filled with sand and water in your toilet flush tank. Doing so will save water without harming the efficiency of the toilet. In an average household, such a trick can save up to 10 liters of water each day! 

Rainwater Harvesting

While rainwater harvesting does not fall under the category of methods to reduce water use, every responsible planet dweller should pick up this habit. All you need to do is install a downspout that collects the rainwater that falls on the roof of your house and directs it to a water tank. The stored water can later be used for various household chores. 


With so many uses and need for water, conserving water becomes an important responsibility of every person. While rainfall can, to some extent, improve the water scarcity problem, many people do not make efforts to do rainwater harvesting. 

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